What a fun family. But first I have to say... this lady is EFFICIENT! I love it! Not only did she send me pictures of her kids and what they would be wearing (and change the sweaters when I had reservations about the color), she brought props and came 30 MINUTES EARLY TO THE SHOOT! In my 8 years of photography, I can honestly say that has never happened- even once. I think a few times people have been right on time? Probably? :)
The whole family was really fun to photograph. The little boys were hilarious and cracked up at their "Up Dog" joke about 50 times. It was awesome.

Did you ever want to hug squirrely little boys this much? Every time I look at this picture I melt a little! Boys aren't always this sweet. Trust me. I am a Webelos leader. :)

I really like how this one turned out. These amazing rocks are just 25 minutes away from me, and I never really go enjoy them.

Yes, they're mocking me. I love it when couples bond over the ridiculous things I ask them to do. :)

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