When the MacDonalds told me they wanted to do pictures, my response was as demure as always- "WOOOOOOO!!!!!" I was so excited for this really amazingly good-looking family to be on my website! :) And they didn't disappoint.
Oh, and also, may I say what a fabulous smiler the mom is? She had a hard job of constantly pulling runaway children into the picture, and she did it with a perfect and calm smile. And also she figured out which pictures she wanted about 2 hours after I put them up. That's a record, people. By about a week and a half. Oh, and also she's a "sitcom junkie" like me. :)

Man, this little girl has great hair.

I had to put in this test shot.

You know who it reminds me of?

That's right. Woodstock.
I'm not sure why. But I do know it makes me laugh every time I see it!

I love these next three (especially the last one). You know, 20 years ago, professional photographers didn't get to capture these kinds of things, because you were supposed to always sit and look at the camera. But this is what I love capturing best! I love how much fun they're having playing together. I love that you can see into their lives and relationships a little bit. And at the end of the day, isn't that what you'd rather have in your house?

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