Friday, January 1, 2010

Babies, Babies, Babies!

Lots of people I know have buns in the oven right now. One of them is my dear friend, Rachel. She was in town for the holidays this year so I got to take pictures and throw her a shower. Because Rachel likes cake pops, I wrote to Miss Bakerella to ask her advice on what to make. She told me "baby heads!" So regardless of the hesitation of my family (based on cannibalistic principles), I made the baby heads! It was fun and I think they turned out kind of cute, don't you?
Anyway, we also took some maternity pictures during her visit. This one's my favorite. I can picture it nice and big in the nursery:


Lacey said...

Loving this photography blog! You are so talented! I'm really falling SOOO in love with Photography. But I have so much to learn!!! Especially after looking at your stuff... I have a long journey ahead of me! Too bad we don't live closer you could give me some pointers!!! : )

Heather said...

So cute Jen! I love it! What are your rates? I would love you to do some for me and my family! email me