This couple is so so great. I loved shooting and their house. You really get a feel for what the family is like (awesome) plus it's so much fun to see the nursery and feel their anticipation for their new arrival! This is going to be one lucky baby.Wouldn't you kill for that nursery?!I have to say that the one is my favorite just because of how it happened. I told them that it would only show their hands, not their faces, so they could relax for a minute. Usually people look around in boredom at that point, but they were genuinely looking into each others' eyes and laughing and having a good time together.This is their front porch. Balloons ready and perfect jug already sitting there.
Lots of people I know have buns in the oven right now. One of them is my dear friend, Rachel. She was in town for the holidays this year so I got to take pictures and throw her a shower. Because Rachel likes cake pops, I wrote to Miss Bakerella to ask her advice on what to make. She told me "baby heads!" So regardless of the hesitation of my family (based on cannibalistic principles), I made the baby heads! It was fun and I think they turned out kind of cute, don't you? Anyway, we also took some maternity pictures during her visit. This one's my favorite. I can picture it nice and big in the nursery: